Monterey County deputies probe shooting of sex offender

Monterey County sheriff’s deputies grappled with a mysterious double homicide followed by the shooting of a convicted sex offender late Sunday and early Monday.

Around 10:30 a.m. Monday, sheriff’s deputies and Salinas police officers found convicted rapist Donald Crisp, 58, seriously wounded by gunshots near the address listed as his residence on the state’s registered sex offender website. Full Article

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This is a tragedy! No one had to die or to be hurt in any way. The fact that anyone can be denied mental health counseling is also a tragedy which may have led to the murder of two people as well as to serious injury to a third person. This must be stopped! Mental health services need to be provided to those who require them regardless of their label as a “sex offender”. I mourn today for those who have died as well as those who continue to be harmed due to their labeling as a sex offender.

Wow! But quite the misguided story. Newspapers being what they are, that could be because it was too rushed to be better. But inthe eh4adline, ir purports to be about the killing of a sex offender folowing to othere killingns. But the story simoply mentioned the two other killingns int heelade, but then went on and on and on about all the sex offense background about this guy. Only at the very end does it finnaly mention the other two shooting deaths.

What the faeld to talk about here was whether this was a possible drive byshooting, maybe a gang iniutiation tokill some people. Youhave two peoplee laying dead of gonshot wouds,and apparnlynot far away,a third. Teh thrid happens tohave a background as an SO and is lsited, wiht his address, on the Web.

OK. And I’m happy to have them consider whether he was shot because of that listing — but they didn’t need to list every last detail of his sex offender background! They could have left it at simply saying he was on the list on the Web. But because of these other two killings, and the possibility they are connected, it would seem more likely it was a drive by picking out any old target — which sometimes is a gang initiation, although three is a lot for that.

But I do find it very unconscionable what happened to this guy in the past. He sued the county after being refused mental health services — because he is an SO. And the court ruled against him! From the story:

“Crisp claimed, he was refused services by the county’s Behavioral Health Department because he was a sex offender and an employee told him, “they have children in this office.”

“He said the employee “could not resist showing (Crisp) his picture from the Internet.”

“He said the county caused him to suffer extreme mental hardship. “One can only pound one’s head against the wall so many times before damage is done,” he wrote.

“The case was dismissed in late 2009.”

While the story does not give the county’s point of view on it, it leaves you wit the impression that now even if an SO seeks mental health services to address their SO issues, they will not be allowed — because after all, sometimes children will be in the office! It is deemed far better to deny an SO mental health services to address his SO issues than to let him any place on the planet where a child might be once in a while!

Which brings me to raise another issue I have long spoken out against: the state law that requires any mental health professional to report to police anything a patient might say or otherwise divulge about ever having had any sex offense involvement with any child, no matter what that might have been.

This is a unique hole in the mental health privacy laws — all other matters between a therapist and patient must remain private, even other crimes; the mental health professional has legal protection for doing so and a legal requirement for doing so. But not for anything related to a sex offense.

This means that anyone whose issues involve children who wants to stop being an SO and goes for mental health treatment will instead not get mental health treatment, will get reported to police, arrested and jailed.

We won’t even allow them to get help and stop offending! As a result, such a person will not go for mental health treatment, will just keep on offending if they can’t control themselves, kind of the opposite of what you would think the public would want.

How many have to die to get people to wake up and see what’s happening in their own country?

Wow, another person dead because of their Sex Offender Status. I mean, if Detectives aren’t putting two and two together, they are retarded. There is no doubt this man committed a crime, but he paid his debt to society and was obviously viciously gunned down! THis is getting serious. How many times does this have to happen? I mean, this isn’t funny. I think its a great reason why we need a Tiered System here in Ca.

There is an update in this case. The “sex offender” has died from his wounds. We have lost another human being in this tragedy. It is all so senseless and preventable.

What a tragedy that this guy sought help and it was refused. We don’t know why, but somehow a turn of events led to this guy being shot to death.
The other tragedy is the headline of this story, clearly designed to sell papers, get eyeballs on the page and adverts.

I hope everyone contacts Julia “Scoop” Reynolds at 648-1187 or and gives their opinion of her reporting style.

We need to start posting on other countries sites telling our stories. They can’t convience me that my decade old misdemeanor should subject me to 25 years of unemployment and public shaming! They use public shaming maybe we should also! Minors lives on the registry being destroyed! Maybe these senseless murders need to have us leaving comments on countries more concerned about the truth! The Internet is world wide!

The other two killings happened too far away for it to be connected. I hate to say it, but it seems this unfortunate soul was targeted. It looks like he made a very, very, very bad mistake over 20 years ago. But the fact that he was seeking help from mental health stands as a testimony to his willingness and desire to seek help. As I’ve said before, we need rehabilitation, not incarceration. Prevention, NOT more detention! A parent may give the child a swift swat on the behind for misbehaving, but its the stern talk that comes afterward that teaches them why it was wrong and how to do better next time.

I’m doubtful the the vigilanty killings and crimes against SO’s will stop. The general public’s perception is that all SO’s are horrid child molesters, rapists and animal sodomizers and should die! Thanks to politicians, news media and law enforcement for putting out false and misleading statistics showing how evil and likely SO’s are to reoffend. Facts won’t bring in federal grant money to law enforcement, facts won’t get politicians re-elected, facts don’t sell newspapers; as long as there is fear mongering by select groups, we’d better all watch each other’s backs. Killing a RSO is considered a “righteous” killing.

Ten days later, the Monterey County Sheriffs are still “probing”? Where is the outrage against this killing?

I’m curious again. Anybody know how many drunk drivers, drug dealers, arsonists, embezzelers or paroled murderers have been beaten to death, stabbed or shot because of their crimes? Funny, I’m just not reading of any…OH! I know now, they’re not on a registry! Well, arsonists are kind of, but not like Megan’s. Go figure.
Methinks these are hate crimes against a particular group of people that have been singled out for something done years in their past. Politicians and law enforcement continue to add fuel to the fire of hate with their asinine laws and uber strict enforcement of unconstitutional laws. Soon the fit will hit the shan and blow right back into their faces.